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How To Make Extra Money With A Tarot Reading Side Business

spiritual business tarot reading tarot reading business Mar 05, 2023

If you have a tarot reading side business and are looking to make extra money, there are a few strategies you can consider:

  1. Offer additional services: In addition to offering tarot card readings, consider offering additional services that complement your readings. For example, you could offer astrology readings, chakra balancing, or energy healing sessions. This can help you appeal to a wider audience and generate more income.

  2. Host events or workshops: Hosting events or workshops can be a great way to share your knowledge and connect with potential clients. Consider hosting events like tarot card reading classes, moon rituals, or spiritual workshops. You can charge a fee for attendance and offer discounts for repeat customers.

  3. Create digital products: Creating digital products like e-books, guides, or courses can be a great way to generate passive income. Consider creating an e-book on tarot card meanings, a course on reading tarot for beginners, or a guide to interpreting the Major Arcana. You can sell these products on your website or on platforms like Gumroad or Etsy.

  4. Sell tarot card decks and accessories: Selling tarot card decks, crystals, candles, and other spiritual accessories can be a great way to generate additional income. You can sell these products on your website or on platforms like Etsy or Amazon.

  5. Offer tarot card readings by email or phone: Offering tarot card readings by email or phone can be a convenient way to reach clients who are unable to meet with you in person. You can charge a fee for these readings and offer discounts for repeat customers.

By utilizing these strategies, tarot card readers can generate extra income and grow their side business. Remember to focus on providing value to your clients and offering services and products that align with your expertise and interests.


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