PsyChick Brandi

  • i coach / consult, i sell physical items in a shop, i offer a service
  • intuitive advice, psychic readings, mediumship, life / transformational coaching, tarot or oracle card reading, energy work, custom item creation
  • Tarot cards, oracle cards, pendulum, crystals, energy, intentions

๐Ÿ“Location: Brooksville Florida

Price Range: $5-$25

Brandi is accepting 1 free question inquiry click below to ask.

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PsyChick Brandi



 It's fate that brought you to me! Welcome, I am a Intuitive Psychic Medium and Reiki Healer. Everything I do is with Love and power from the universe. I am here to offer guidance, clarity, healing and to answer the questions that you may have. I have been gifted with the ability to heal and channel messages from deceased loved ones as well as a knowledge of the future with every path you may take. I am here to help YOU!Reiki means "universal life energy." It's an ancient healing method that manipulates energy flow in the body. It helps cleanse, clear and align your energy field. I can align and balance your chakras with promotes feeling stability, creativity, self esteem, giving and receiving love, communication, mental health and intuition. If you feel your life is out of balance, you have a pain or issue that won't go away, you feel cloudy headed or like you have no luck and everything is going wrong.I can help!If you would like to speak to a deceased loved one I can channel them and help answers those lingering questions you may have. I can help!If you need advice about love, life, family, careers, fertility, or anything else. I can help! I offer card readings, yes and no pendulum questions, long distance reiki healing, Chakra balancing, and mediumship. Cards and pendulums are tools that we use to get clarity of the message. I look forward to helping you on your journey!

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Thinking of Booking?   I Will Reply To Any ONE Question Via Email!

*Brandi has agreed to take a question via email for people considering booking with them. When you click the link below you can communicate with Brandi they will get your question and your email )Brandi will then replies with their personalized response. 

Note: PsyChicks only acts as a facilitator between these communications, you will receive your response personally from this PsyChick Collective member in the soonest time that they are able to deliver.

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