PsyChick Michelle

  • i offer a service, i coach / consult, i sell courses and trainings ( education )
  • energy work, custom item creation, intuitive advice, tarot or oracle card reading
  • Pendulum & Angel Cards

๐Ÿ“Location: Wayside West Virginia

Price Range: $50 - $99

Michelle is accepting 1 free question inquiry click below to ask.

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PsyChick Michelle



Michelle is an intuitive energy bodyworker and is passionate about sharing her healing gifts with others. When Michelle was very young, she encountered her first vision/apparition from the Blessed Virgin. Ever since then, she was called to healing work her spiritual gifts became stronger intuition became stronger.

She uses healing prayers before and after each healing session, holding all encounters as sacred and special.  Michelle spent several years among the Native American community and cultures learning and holding sacred space for ceremonies of the Lakota people and the Zuni Pueblo tribe of New Mexico.

She has been a licensed massage therapist since 2016 completing both her massage and Flower Essence studies in Asheville, NC. Michelle specializes in “Reiki Massage” as well as incorporating Flower Essences in her therapy. Michelle is a teacher by nature and has been an Early Childhood educator for 20 years.

She enjoys supporting others in their wellness journeys through 1:1 consults online or in person, using a variety of methods such as Distant Reiki, Angelic Card Readings, and Bach Flower Essence Consultations. Michelle is expected her complete her Angelic Healing and Shamanic Coach training later this year.

Michelle is also a Chakra Dance facilitator and loves guiding others through their own spiritual awakenings through dance therapy.  She is actively involved with community Reiki Shares, teaching Reiki 1 & 2 Wellness Days. She has a love of creating her divinely inspired “Meditation Oils” and other products using herbs and essential oils. You can find out more about Michelle’s work on her FB group page “One Heart Reiki”

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*Michelle has agreed to take a question via email for people considering booking with them. When you click the link below you can communicate with Michelle they will get your question and your email ) Michelle will then replies with their personalized response. 

Note: PsyChicks only acts as a facilitator between these communications, you will receive your response personally from this PsyChick Collective member in the soonest time that they are able to deliver.

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