Elise Giether | The Night Market

Offering: Lenormand card readings for divination and workshops for writers and creative expression.
I am interested in helping others find their way through this journey. Sometimes you need a helping hand to point the way, or a story to help you understand it all. I am a card reader and specifically read Lenormand. If you are not familiar with Lenormand, it is a 36-card deck that originated in the 1700s. These cards work together to “tell a story” about what you might need in life, a story about where you might be going. You can ask the deck any questions, but yes/no questions are not the best. The Lenormand like to tell you a story. And they are tough. Think about a friend you have that always tells you how it is. The Lenormand are like this friend. In addition to these types of readings:
9-card mini tableau
18-card tableau
I also work with burgeoning writers, creative writers, memoir or creative-non-fiction writers. Together, we use Lenormand to brainstorm, to think about characters and plot, to plan a new twist in our novels. Whether you’d like a traditional card reading or you’d like to join the Night Market Writers, please contact me! The Lenormand are waiting to answer.