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Business: Heart's Frontier

Offering:  Certified Aromatherapist, Reflexology Training, Aromatherapy Facials + Massage, Advanced Thai Yoga Massage Techniques, Restorative + Yin + Ahimsa Yoga, Shamanism, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy, Oracle Readings

I believe I assist people back to themselves, my highest skill is genuinely my philosophical mindset / brain, able to retrieve lots of suggestions due to training in many modalities. Constant learner, I apply myself in a variety of ways - feel free to pick and choose! Kate Graham, Business Intuitive + Shamanic Guide
Creator of both Empath Energetics + Executive Energetics online healing programs for highly sensitive + ambitious individuals, Kate Graham (she/her) is an avid knowledge seeker in the realm of healing and is a woman of many interests, highly devoted to business, energy, and Intuition.

She is highly claircognizant (clear knowing), clairsentient (clear feeling), and clairvoyant (clear seeing), and has been working as an oracle and intuitive to help sensitive people succeed in business, life and love. She has done over 2000 psychic readings and is trained in Aromatherapy, Thai Massage, Restorative + Yin yoga, Reflexology, Head Massage + Facial Massage, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy, and Celtic Shamanism.

Kate is here on this earth to guide people to listen to their hearts, then go beyond them. Devoted to the shamanic path, she walks alongside and is guided by ancestors, power animals, inner children, plants and spiritual companions.


Empath Energetics

Soul Circles

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Business: Prosperous Peaces

Offering: Intuitive Healing, Self Empowerment, Creating with Intention, Personal Connection, Natural Readings, Wellness Focus and Foundation

"Each service I offer is designed for the self empowerment and wellness of each client. The goal is for me to listen and provide the sought after information and tools that allow the individual to create their best version of their life. Every experience is different, because every person is different. You are listened to, spoken to, asked questions relevant to you, and provided options based on what you are wanting to create.

Empowering people is a passion and I have done so by assisting people in creating their version of lifestyle and wellness. I specialize in whole wellness combining the elements needed for each individual to succeed in creating their version of life.
Born during a time of great changes and extreme unrest taught me adaptability and the power of doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. I grew up when human rights and the space race were competing to be front page news.
Both classically and adaptively taught from childhood there were many healers of all forms and faiths with whom I was able to study. I learned to hone my skills and acquire the information needed to help people heal.
As an intuitive and healer I listen to share real solutions that can be applied simply and practically in everyday life.
Life and various challenges my own as well as those of family and mentors have given me experience beyond my years. As an intuitive this has also allowed me many frames of reference to draw upon a deeper understanding of us as individuals and our needs in everyday life.
I've used my years of experience in study of wellness and healing and life experience as an intuitive healer to help people. My own experiences overcoming and healing from trauma, abuse, and illness give me a deep understanding of what is needed and how to create wellness in every aspect of life."


Intuitive Healings

Natural Readings

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Business: A Nu ViiBe

Offering: Reiki Healing, Spiritual Services, Tarot Readings, Spiritual Curios, Intuitive Advice

"Throughout my life, others have often complemented me on my ability to bring a sense of calm and comfort, describing it as a healing power. Whether through the tone of my voice or the words I share, people consistently express feeling better after spending time with me.

The year 2020 marked a significant turning point when I lost my father to COVID-19. In a span of just two years, I also said goodbye to my mother and faced other personal challenges. Despite these hardships, I discovered a new spiritual path that not only helped me understand myself but also deepened my connection with the divine, however, one chooses to define it.

Recognizing a clear purpose, I embraced the role of a healer, committed to assisting others on their unique journeys. My approach is inclusive, transcending religious or belief boundaries, and welcoming all who seek guidance. This realization led me to explore Reiki, and from my first session, I knew this was my calling.

This healing path has not only transformed my way of life but inspired me to share these experiences with the world. My mission is to help others discover 'A Nu ViiBe,' one person at a time, by offering support and healing on their individual paths."


Reiki Services

Chakra Oracle Reading

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Business: Tessa's Healing

Offering: Psychic Mediumship, Oracle/Tarot Readings, EnSofic Reiki in person and distance, Aura Healings, Life Activations, Fire Soul Infusion.

"A warm hello, and welcome to you! I’m excited to share my journey with you and pass on the gift of healing services that so dramatically changed my own life. I found myself struggling with common issues throughout my life around addiction, self esteem, unhealed trauma and low, negative energy.

When I was introduced to this community of healing, I saw myself transform into who I always knew was waiting just under the surface of that. That incited my passion to learn more outside of my own personal journey and become a Certified EnSofic Reiki Practitioner, Certified Life Activation Practitioner, Aura Healer and Crystal Healer at the Modern Mystery School & an Intuitive Oracle Reader & Psychic Medium. I am so grateful to say that I now hold the power to help others with both similar and different life paths, with the same healings that have impacted my life in such a positive, lasting way.

Since I was blessed with my first Life Activation to my most recent healings, I’ve had a profound sense of growth that’s difficult to truly communicate. I noticed my previous negative thinking patterns start to shift as I began healing each part of myself that needed the extra time and awareness. I no longer feel stuck in those patterns as I consciously navigate this path of enlightenment in the hands of qualified professionals.

This is something I feel confident I can give others now as well. I feel passionately about creating deep, safe and fulfilling connections with you to empower you into your highest well being. I recognize the struggles that the past can hold you back with, and these healings that I offer challenge them. Let me help you move forward so you can release the feeling of being stuck and embrace your fullest highest self in my capable hands."



Energy Healing & Guidance

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Business: Busy Life Healthy Wife

Offering: Intuitive Oracle Card Readings, Distance Reiki, Marketing Courses and Coaching

My goal is to help as many people as I can become happy, healthy, and wealthy. I do this mostly through intuitive card readings, distance Reiki healing sessions, and spiritual marketing coaching and courses.

I’ve been intuitive since I was a child. For as long as I can remember, I have had precognitive dreams, a strong ability to manifest free stuff, and intuitive “nudges” about all sorts of things. When I was in high school, I found out that my tarot card readings and scrying abilities were scary accurate. Later on, I found oracle cards and fell in love with them. I also became a Reiki master. However, I was nervous, like many of us were, about “coming out of the broom closet,” so I didn’t start offering my spiritual services until (maybe) 2021.

As for helping spiritual entrepreneurs, marketing and writing are my jam! I actually wrote a fantasy book (and am working on getting it published). I have a bachelor’s in public relations and marketing and have been in the marketing game since 2011. I have worked for individuals to assist them with their marketing efforts and as a copywriter. I also worked as the director of marketing for a local small business for several years. To help me help others more effectively, I got certified in EFT, hypnosis, life coaching, and TIME technique. As a fellow spiritual entrepreneur, it only made sense to me to help out other spiritual entrepreneurs.

Fun facts: I am a super cat person. While I love all animals, I especially love kitties. (I even have a cattok and catagram). I’m passionate about helping planet Earth by doing what I can and sharing what I discover. This includes cooking homemade meals, preserving food, gardening, recycling, and more.

I look forward to connecting with you.

I offer intuitive oracle card readings for business owners and individuals who wanted to discover what’s financially in store for them. I also provide distance reiki healing sessions with a strong focus on money woes and mindset blocks. If you’re a busy person then my sessions are for you as you will receive readings through email, and reiki remotely and then confirmed through email. No zoom meetings required!

I also offer spiritual marketing coaching and courses.

When you book a reading or reiki session with me, I’ll get to know you a little better with a photo, your name, and what you’d like to focus on (if anything).

For card readings, I will connect with you on an energetic level, call on my guides, and perform the reading. During which time, I type up the insights that come to me. Once the reading is over, you’ll receive an email with photos of the cards, what they mean, and my intuitive understanding and suggestions going forward.

For Reiki sessions, I will perform the Reiki session by using a paper “surrogate”” where I will write down anything I picked up on energetically or psychically. I’ll photograph the paper and add it to an email, where I will also type up what I wrote on the paper and let you know that the session was completed. You will also receive a few suggestions on what to do following a Reiki session, such as drinking water.


Distance Reiki

Oracle Card Readings

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Business: Mystical Melanie

Offering: Tarot & Oracle Readings, Akashic Soul Realignment, Shamanic Energy Healing

Hey!  My name is Mel. Welcome  

Since my spiritual awakening five years ago, I have been on an intense journey of healing my wounding and honing my divine gifts.

As a clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient lightworker, I have mastered the art of transmuting my pain so I can be of service to you.

As a shamanic ‘Keeper of the Realms’, I straddle the line between heaven and earth, bringing the unconditionally loving energy of Christ consciousness to humanity. I specialize in non-judgemental shadow work and soul retrieval; igniting deep, powerful transformation within and bringing you to a greater sense of wholeness and alignment.

Although I am a certified reiki master, spiritual life coach, tarot reader, medium, Indian head massage practitioner, Akashic reader, angelic healing practitioner, and meditation teacher, my passion is in Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy. It offers rapid, life-changing enlightenment and healing  

Are you ready to be activated into alchemizing your pain into joy? Let’s do this! 

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Business: Psychic Medium Cybil

Offering: Spirit Connection: Embracing Memories And Messages, (Lithomancy) Intuitive Crystal Insights: Guided Channeling Sessions, Psychic Intuitive Oracle / Tarot Guidance, Holistic Crystals Reading For Wellness And Balance, Blue Lotus Awaken Your Life Purpose Session: Followed By A Beautiful One-Of-A-Kind Collage Tailored To Capture The Unique Energy And Insights Revealed During Our Time Together

Cybil is a lover of photography, nature, animals, dragons and castles. In her free time she tours old cemeteries, ruins, abandoned buildings and anything associated with the spiritual world with her daughter. Since early childhood, Cybil has been able to see & feel the beauty in things long gone and past.
Her love of all things spiritual has led her on a lifelong journey of learning, developing and honing her craft. Cybil is an internationally acclaimed Psychic Medium who directs her inner light (radiance) and positive energy into oracle cards, connecting with loved ones in spirit and using her intuitive gifts to bring forward loving, inspirational and spiritual guidance.

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Business: Terra Intuitively

Offering: Email , Text or Messenger Readings

Hello, my name is Terra and I am your Psychic Intuitive. I specialize in automatic writing, I also created my own deck for when I feel the need to break barriers. I love what I do, helping people become a more empowered version of themselves is what gets me fired up.
I started this journey over 10 years ago when I became a Lightarian Reiki Master, that class blew my socks off, I was not expecting to open up as I did. I have a great connecting with our Spirit Animals, I also see Chakras and which Chakra needs attention, also the ones that are overworked. I work with my Angels and Guides, and I have found the best way for me to receive clear communication from your Spirit Team is to write, on my own, no distractions. That is all I am, a transcriptionist, I listen, I pay attention, and pass that on to you. I want to give you all that they have to say and this seems to be the best way to do so. With our busy lives it also makes it convenient for you as well to receive such a gift in your email without having to take the time out of your day. You will also have it to reflect on later.

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Business: Align Bravely With Grace

Offering: Energy Healing, Oracle Cards, 1:1 sessions virtual or in person

Over the past 10+ years, I have been assisting others in finding their alignment in life in one way or another. I became certified in a wonderful modality in the beginning and have since found my own alignment in how I currently practice today.

Align Bravely With Grace is a combination of Find You SOULution alignment sessions and intuitive channeling to aid you in feeling empowered and ready to make changes in your life.
The focus during a session is to help you align with who they really are at your core in every aspect possible – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Each person has their own personal aligning to do but in every case it is with and through grace. Grace for themselves and to be more in line with grace.

The focus of Align Bravely With Grace is to bravely, confidently align using grace *and* to bring more grace into life through the process. Grace can beautifully be defined as the divine influence which operates in humans to regenerate and sanctify, to inspire virtuous impulses, and to impart strength to endure a trial.

My passion is to bring more opportunities to you to take the brave step to align with who you are at your core with loving grace. May your heart be full and your mind be clear - Namaste

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Business: Stephanne Cox Spiritual Empowerment Coach

Offering: Energy Healing, Group Program Or Course

Stephanne Cox is a Certified Spiritual Empowerment Coach, Mentor and Psychic Medium. Let’s start with the basics. She was born and raised in Butte, MT. Graduated from Butte High School in 1997. Then graduated from Montana Tech with an associates in Information Technology in May of 2002. Afterwards, she began working for the local newspaper. She was doing what the world expected of her and was completely unhappy. She knew life had to change but wasn’t sure what that looked like. In December of 2010, the universe decided to help Stephanne understand the possibilities with an afterlife experience. This experience COMPLETELY changed the understanding she had about life. It prompted her to explore, learn and understand on many new levels.

Stephanne began her spiritual education becoming certified as a Reiki I and II practitioner in July of 2016. Then in November of 2016, began seeing and hearing spirit. She started practicing medium readings in December of 2016 with friends and then medium readings for others in March of 2017. In August of 2017 she became a Certified Reiki Master Teacher. Soon, she realized that she was also psychic and began helping others with this skill as well. In May of 2020 Stephanne became a Certified Spiritual Empowerment Coach. Then, in May of 2021 she became a Certified ThetaHealing® Instructor. Everything advanced way beyond what she ever thought possible. Stephanne was on a journey to embrace who she was as a spiritual being having a human experience in every aspect.

In May of 2022, Stephanne had a medical diagnosis that again helped her expand her spiritual education. The universe was asking her to go deeper into her inner-healing where before she had only scratched the surface. Diving deeper helped Stephanne to REALLY connect with the true essence of who she was so that she could go beyond her emotions, ego and human definition.
Stephanne has learned so much over the years. Now, she understands that her life purpose is to serve, coach, mentor and teach others that they can connect with the true essence of who they are to live more meaningful lives. Leading you out of the dark and into the light. Finding the balance and peace within.

• Reiki I and Reiki II Certification July 2016
• ART and Master Reiki Certification August 2017
• ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Practitioner July 2018
• ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA Practitioner August 2018
• ThetaHealing® Digging Deeper Practitioner September 2018
• ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy Practitioner November 2018
• ThetaHealing® Game of Life Practitioner November 2019
• ThetaHealing® RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight January 2020
• ThetaHealing® You and Creator February 2020
• Certified HuMethod® Spiritual Life Coach May 2020
• Under the Crystals Remote Viewing of the Soul May 2020
• ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Instructor Certification May 2021
• ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA Instructor Certification May 2021

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Daena Davis

Business Name: The Crystal Psychic

Offering: Psychic/Mediumship Readings, Reiki Training, Mentorship, Spiritual Development & Meditation classes 1:1 sessions virtual or in person

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Business Name: Whole Heart Energy

Offering: Intuitive, Channeler, Healer, Energy Worker,
Lightworker, Intuitive Coaching offering: intuitive healing, Akashic Records, Quantum Healing Transmissions for people and pets

Monika Dena Huppertz of Whole Heart Energy: intuitive coach, energy healer, lightworker, and founder of Whole Heart Energy. 25 years of teaching has afforded Monika the insights to truly understand from where her clients’ pains, insecurities and limited thinking came.

She has the unique ability to pinpoint the perceptions and problems and transform them into winning attitudes, empowering beliefs, and wholesome thinking.

Monika connects with the Divine, her Divine Supportive team, and your Higher Self and guides to get the most truthful information and guidance for your needs.

Coupled with her innate intuitive gifts and learning of many healing modalities, Monika is a conduit to healing. Her first book was a channeled piece.

Monika’s clients have greatly benefited from her unique gifts and talents and appreciate the loving support they receive.

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Business Name: Journey to Beautiful, LLC DBA Sarah Jane Patton - Intuitive Guide • Psychic Medium

Offering: Pendulum, Card Reading, Crystals, Energy Healing, Oracle Cards, 1:1 Sessions Virtual or In Person, Courses, Workshops & Retreats

Sarah Jane Patton is a renowned Spiritual Thought Leader, Intuitive Guide, Psychic Medium, Channeler, and Healer whose transformative work has touched the lives of many. With a deep-rooted passion for spiritual exploration and healing, Sarah Jane has committed her life’s work to assisting others on their journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

From a young age, Sarah Jane exhibited extraordinary intuitive abilities and a natural inclination to explore personal development. She embarked on a quest for knowledge and wisdom, delving into various spiritual traditions, mystical teachings, and healing modalities. Through years of dedicated study, practice, and personal experiences, she honed her skills and developed a unique approach to spirituality and healing.

As a Spiritual Thought Leader, Sarah Jane shares her insights and wisdom through one-on-one work, group workshops, seminars, online courses, festivals, retreats, and publications. Her teachings encompass a wide range of topics, including mastering self-care, energy healing, psychic development, heart-centered leadership, and soul evolution. She empowers her students and clients to connect with their innate wisdom, unlock their potential, and create positive transformations in their lives.

Sarah Jane's work as an Intuitive Guide and Psychic Medium has earned her a reputation for accuracy, compassion, and integrity. Through her intuitive readings and mediumship sessions, she provides profound guidance, clarity, and healing messages from the spiritual realm. Her ability to tune into the energies and messages of the Universe helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of their life path, relationships, and spiritual purpose.

In addition to her intuitive and mediumistic abilities, Sarah Jane is a gifted healer who channels divine energy to facilitate emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. She employs a holistic approach that integrates various healing modalities and spiritual coaching. Her healing sessions are deeply transformative, bringing harmony, balance, and rejuvenation to the mind, body, and soul.

Sarah Jane’s dedication to spreading universal unconditional love and healing humanity has made her a respected figure in the spiritual community. Her compassionate nature, authenticity, and commitment to service inspires others to embrace their spiritual gifts and embark on a path of personal growth and enlightenment. She continues to touch hearts and uplift souls, guiding people towards greater awareness, healing, and fulfillment.

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Business Name: Sparkling Energy Alchemy

Offering: Energy Healing, Oracle Cards, Crystals, 1:1 sessions virtual or in person, Reiki sessions via Zoom, Numerology charts, teaching Reiki, Oracle readings, Gatherings (Portal, seasonal)

Meet Anna Wheatcroft, the radiant Spiritual Alchemist weaving magic through energy and healing arts. A gifted reiki master, numerologist, crystal healer, angelic healer, oracle reader, guided meditation facilitator, and spiritual coach, Anna's intuitive touch illuminates souls with light language and DNA upgrades. As a self-published author, her words captivate and transform. Guided by her passion for empowering women, Anna guides them on spiritual journeys, enabling rediscovery, strength reclamation, and the amplification of voices. Embrace the enchantment of transformation with Anna as your guide.

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Business Name: Authentic Growth Coaching

Offering: 1:1 sessions virtual or in person

ADHD Life Coaching for parents with ADHD of kids with ADHD

ADHD parenting sherpa. Been there, done that, have too many jobs (and degrees) on my resume' to show for it. But I have a loving relationship with my husband of more than 2 decades, 2 great ADHD kids, and a cat that we all worship.

I have good days and I have bad days, but I also have a white-hot drive to serve other parents trying to hold it all together without enough resources and training.
I'll make sure you're on the right track for your goals, we'll review your pain points, and we'll start to create a scaffold around the areas of your life where your "want to be" isn't near your "currently" and give you stepping stones to cross that gap.
​Change takes more than learning from a book or course - sometimes you need a sherpa, 2 steps ahead of you, encouraging your change, instead of a guru at the top shouting their answer down to you. I'm here to make sure your journey gets easier.
And I’m not asking you to continue to mask and make the neurotypical benchmarks - let go and become your best self to help your family learn to do the same

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Business: Jas Cianflone - Magick for the modern era

Offering: tarot and oracle readings, tarot classes,
reiki and energy healing, Radical Guide (tm) DNA activation, reiki classes (Level 1 and 2)
spellwork and ritual

I’m happy to meet you. I’m Jasmine Cianflone, That Tarot Goddess.

I use the language of Tarot to help heal spiritual women who desire sexual liberation.

I am an expert Tarologist, Certified Radical Guide DNA Activation Advanced Practitioner, Energy healer and spiritual mentor. 

I’m the founder of The Tarology Academy, the creator of Temperance Tarot Healing and the Skeleton Key program.

After a successful decade-long career as an event planner, I followed Spirit's pull and leapt into the role of teacher, priestess and spiritual mentor. I dream of a world where women are empowered to take real ownership of their lives, everyone nurtures their unique connection to Spirit, so that the universe's creative work can be done through humanity's hands. I’ve been called a powerhouse of spiritual leadership and I encourage all people to embrace growth in their lives and spiritual practices.

I am a grounding force and bright light on the path for truth. When I’m not working, you can find me (sometimes simultaneously) enjoying a good book, cooking something delicious, singing at the top of my lungs, or engrossed in a jigsaw puzzle. I’m always loving on my family - which consists of 3 amazing sproutlets, J, B and G, my techie-husband Joe, my partner Nate (and all his peeps!), 6 cats (Max, Midnight, Siri, Alexa, Amy and Rory) and a pup named Doc. 

I've got over 2 decades worth of spiritual experience, and my studies began at the tender age of 12. I’m completely fascinated with all things esoteric and I’ve spent time researching, studying and practicing world spiritualities, practicing Tarot, exploring religions, meditation, prayer, energy work, magick, and manifestation. I’ve created practical methods to combine these practices into a cohesive and do-able personal spirituality that allows you to return to your unapologetic self.

I want you to know: 

That you are Spirit having a human experience and as such you are always connected.

That you don't need to put anyone or anything between you and the Divine.

That God is talking to you right now, you have the power to allow that open connection, receive from that connection and change your life.

That there is no modality or method of spirituality that is the only "right" one for everyone. 

That your truth is enough, and you are enough.

That your truth will evolve as you do.

That even when things seem to go wrong, there's NOTHING WRONG with you.

That this thing called life is a journey, and every destination is prep for the next step.

That you will be amazed by what is possible when you stop distracting yourself from the truth of your nature, and harness your real power.

Want to know more? Join me on the journey of a lifetime!

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Business: Dragon's Path Psychic & Wellness Services

Offering: Pendulum, Energy Healing, Intuitive Guidance

Coming Soon

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Offering: Tarot, Oracle Cards, Card Reading, Pendulum, Crystals

Coming Soon

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Business: HOUSE B

Offering: Tarot, Card Reading, Oracle Cards, Energy Healing, Crystals, 1:1 sessions virtual or in person

Breanna, or B, is a trauma informed psychic, medium, healer, artist & alchemist.

Born into a strict and religious family in Hampton Roads, Virginia, it wasn't until her late twenties that B was able to detach from her upbringing and embark on a voyage of self-discovery. It was at that crossroads where she took a profound dive within, and learned how to utilize her lifelong gifts as a divine channel to bring forth healing and clarity into her every day practices.

“Along my journey I’ve had to break unhealthy connections, unlearn toxic patterns, reconnect with my authentic self, heal generational trauma, and discover how to love and express in healthy ways. But it’s through that cycle of suffering and overcoming that I’ve grown adept in creating a haven for myself & others to be vulnerable and release shame.”

The driving force behind providing spiritual wellness products and services is not only to help usher healing and breakthroughs in the collective, but to provide encouragement, insight, & support along the pilgrimage of awakening.

“The trip to self-actualization is difficult, and sometimes ugly. It requires blatant honesty about the choices we make and why. To genuinely heal and create space for others who are still in the midst of their awakening demands separation from self and forgiveness that can only be achieved through separation from the ego.”

It’s through her commitment to growth and gentle, honest healing that B can relate on a deep level with a multitude of individuals, and provide meaningful insight as humanity continues to rise as a collective consciousness.

Breanna still resides in Hampton Roads where she spends majority of her time providing guidance through her gift of psychic mediumship.

When not channeling Breanna works on building brand awareness, infusing her life with joy, and fostering meaningful connections within her community and personal life.

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Offering: Tarot, Pendulum, Card Reading, Crystals, Oracle Cards, Energy Healing

Hello my name is Apollonia. I am an intuitive tarot card reader. I use tools such as tarot , pendulum and oracle cards in my practice . I also channel messages with my gift of clairvoyance and clairsentience. In addition, I am a strong empath and very sensitive to the energy and feelings of others. I have a master degree from Sacred Heart University. I am also a certified life coach and law of attraction mentor. I first noticed my gifts around the age of 5 , my grandmother whom is a medium helped sharpen my abilities. I started professionally reading 15 years ago at Psychic fairs . I also worked for various online psychic companies in the past 5 years . I hope to hear from you soon .

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Business: Intentions Yoga

Offering: Somatic yoga therapy, energy healing, yoga classes (group and one on one), online courses, spiritual retreats, Energy Healing, Crystals

I am Alecia, a yoga teacher, light worker, and somatic experiencing practitioner in training. I help empathic people find empowerment through connection to their body’s innate wisdom.

My expertise embraces the connection between mind, body, and spirit. I offer holistic guidance focusing on personal empowerment.

If you are an empath looking to empower yourself to step into your highest timeline, embody a healthier lifestyle, or are seeking profound soulful evolution, I am here to help you realize your next best step.

​Let’s bring your greatest intentions to life!
I created Intentions Yoga to empower soul seeking empaths to:

Connect deeply within through movement & mindfulness

Establish daily routines for spiritual growth & soulful evolution

Become aware of limiting patterns & stories holding you back from setting your life's greatest intentions.

In Kundalini Yoga we start each practice with the Adi Mantra:

​Om Namo Guru Dev Namo

"I Bow to the Divine Wisdom Within"

Honouring that each one of us has a unique spark of pure divine potential within.

It is my Intention to help you connect to your inner wisdom.

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